Somatic Bodywork- Somatic Integration

Introducing a method of treatment

What is Somatic Integration ?
Somatic integration is an in-depth treatment method of somatic therapy. It is characterized by manual touch with as little pressure as possible. In opposition to physiotherapeutic and bodywork methods, somatic integration goes beyond the mechanistic aspect. It wants to create change in the soma: the body as perceived from within.

It uses techniques of the craniosacral osteopathy and of the visceral and myofascial osteopathy. Working with endogenous movements and self-regulation processes alongside therapeutic dialogues and elements of the trauma therapy opens up a field to the therapist that cannot be grasped entirely by either classical physiotherapy or psychotherapy.

The scope of Somatic Integration

The work is done holistically, i.e. structurally, energetically and emotionally. The following illnesses have since been influenced in a positive way (treated successfully?) : chronic pains, dysfunctions of the nervous system like migraine, tinnitus, neuralgia, orthopaedic problems of the spine, hip joints and jaw joint, psychosomatic conditions caused by traumas, long-term effects of accidents. In individual cases: severe damage of the nervous system, apoplexy, persistent vegetative state (als ich den Wikipedia Artikel von Apallisches Syndrom auf Englisch gestellt habe, kam dieser Begriff, es scheint deckungsgleich mit Wachkoma zu sein, aber ich kann es vermutlich nicht beurteilen), MS or Parkinson’s disease. (Studies are being planned)

Practicing Therapists
This method is nowadays used by physiotherapists, masseurs, healing practicioners, occupational therapists and doctors as well as dentists with appropriate additional training


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