ACT HRV Coaching Concept

ACT Herzkohärenz Neun-Wochen Intensiv Coaching

ACT HRV coaching is based on the analysis of your heart rate variability (HRV) as well as on scientifically validates stress questionnaires. It offers you new opportunities to stabilise, promote and increase your health and your physical as well as mental fitness in a natural way. The measurements and analyses will be conducted by trained HRV specialists.

Stress comes from outside – learn to react differently - get started!

It does not matter where you are: With the help of different HRV measuring and biofeedback devices you can export your measurements and HRV biofeedback exercises and send them to us via email. We give you a personal analysis, send you professional reviews and coach you via internet or phone call. We also help you to find the HRV device that’s best for you.

ACT heart coherence nine-week intensive coaching on the internet
ACT HRV coaching is based on the analysis of your heart rate variability (HRV) as well as on scientifically validates stress questionnaires. It offers you new opportunities to stabilise, promote and increase your health and your physical as well as mental fitness in a natural way. The measurements and analyses will be conducted by (specially) trained HRV specialists.

Stress comes from outside – learn to react differently - get started!
It does not matter where you are: With the help of different HRV measuring and biofeedback devices you can export your measurements and HRV biofeedback exercises and send them to us via email. We give you a personal analysis, send you professional reviews and coach you via internet or phone call. We also help you to find the HRV device that’s best for you.

These are your advantages:
The course of your activities can be observed, calculated, evaluated and optimized over a long period of time
- No travel expenses and not especially time-consuming – just do your biofeedback exercises for some minutes a day at your computer at home, at the office or wherever else you are and send us your automatically saved data via email
- Low costs for you; additionally, several people can use devices like the biocomfort stress pilot, BioSign HRV Scanner Compact and others together (upon consultation)

Our programmes obtain differentiated values by extrapolating the data you send us. This makes it possible for us to carry out an exact evaluation after checking artefacts. So, we are able to constantly adjust our coaching to your current state of stressors, resources, health and performance. Team evaluations and work curves in sports and economy can also be carried out.

Our services:
You will get your analysis- and coaching documents in PDF format (works on every computer using the free Adobe Acrobat Reader). These documents consist of:

- A HRV information module, an initial questionnaire on stress and resources, as well as questions and instructions on how to prepare and carry out the nine-week coaching
- After sending in your first set of data to you will be assigned to one out of four performance categories in order to support you as fully as possible
- For nine weeks, each week you will get instructions and a feedback questionnaire
- A graphic presentation of current state
- Clinical values for your doctor or therapist. Our recommendations regarding diet, exercise, breathing exercises, suitable relaxation techniques, work-life balancing and chronobiology etc.

- After nine weeks you will get another questionnaire on stress and resources as well as instructions to go on practicing and experimenting.

3x 50 min Internet Coaching sessions via skype or phone at the beginning, after four weeks and after nine weeks. (Skype is a free programme used for video chats available at

Your HRV Coaches:
Punito Michael Aisenpreis & ACT HRV Team, Murnau

For more information concerning expenses or registration, please contact us here:


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