Heart Coherence

There are two characteristic types of fluctuations in heart rate that can be depicted by measuring pulse waves and analysing the results with the help of the Qiu / MyQiu – HRV Device biofeedback system: Chaos and Coherence.

Feelings such as well-being, thankfulness, compassion or happiness lead to regular pulse variations. That means that the shift between acceleration and deceleration of the heart rate runs along regularly with respiration and fluctuations in blood pressure. This state is called coherence. When it comes to stress, anxiety, depression or anger, however, pulse variations become irregular or chaotic.

With the HRV Biofeedback System, the states of chaos or coherence can be shown on the computer screen and therefore modified specifically.

The effectiveness of the HRV Biofeedback System is increased significantly by using ASI Heart Coherence Training. ASI Heart Coherence Training combines the latest scientific insights with centuries-old breathing- and visualizing techniques to influence your emotional brain and to increase your private and professional success. It is your personal guide through stressful times!

The HRV Biofeedback System together with the ASI Heart Coherence Training provides a perfect solution to improve your health. Experience how, through regular ASI Heart Coherence Training, you can improve your heart rate variability, which is considered one of the most significant measured values for health by scientific researchers all over the world.

Become more aware of your physiological control systems, of your emotions, feelings and thoughts, to develop more options for health and happiness and subsequently to increase your performance!


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