Sleep analysis

Sleep analysis and sleep-coaching

A healthy sleep begins during the day! - measure and improve your quality of sleep.You measure your quality of sleep at home with a small device (Quisi sleep data analyser)

You will learn what kind of sleeper you are and about your sleeping phases

You will learn about the latest chronobiological findings

You will learn about ultradian rhythms and sleep patterns

You will learn at what time your ultradian highs or lows occur

You will learn how to reduce your stress during the day to sleep better at night

You will learn how to detect stress in your everyday life and to decrease it through ultradian competence

You will get information on HRV biofeedback and stress-management during the dayStress, chronic exhaustion, pain and anxiety, insomnia and other disorders related thereto are - according to the latest scientific researches - understood as a disturbance of the interaction between different parts of the nervous system, the heart and the emotions. Therefore, to treat civilisation diseases such as insomnia, it is necessary to gain a new understanding of the interaction between the heart, the brain and the nervous system.

At the beginning of the sleep-coaching, a sleep analysis is carried out. For three typical nights you will get a small, light device to take home. This device records your brain waves during sleep through three forehead electrodes. Afterwards, the structure and depth of your individual sleeping phases can be evaluated specifically. Through that, disorders and treatment approaches can be obtained.

Everyone can contribute to reducing stress on their own by deliberately examining and changing their lifestyle. Central to this intervention is a guide to deep relaxation, stress reduction and inner mindfulness. Specific information on sleep hygiene and on how to increase the ultradian competence can be implemented easily by most people. Ultradian competence is a term used to describe the exact analysis of individual short day rhythms and sleep patterns in order to best integrate the beginning and the end of work, breaks and short naps individually.

Through specific relaxation techniques, the flexibility of the autonomic nervous system, which poses the control system over stress reactions, is increased. Additionally, with HRV- biofeedback drills body rhythms can be specifically synchronised and stress can be actively decreased. These measures lead to a continuing increase in health and also to an improved sleep quality.

Ernest Rossi: 20 Minuten Pause - Synthesis Verlag, Essen
David Servan-Schreiber: Die Neue Medizin der Emotionen, DTV
Jürgen Zulley: Mein Buch vom guten Schlaf, Zabert Sandmann

(C) 2011 - Alle Rechte vorbehalten

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