Burnout, Depression

Short information on burnout prophylaxis

Burnout is a term used to describe a special case of chronic occupational exhaustion. It was first coined by Herbert Freudenberger and Christina Maslach in 1974. (Den nächsten Satz lasse ich weg, denn allen native speakern wird klar sein was burnout ist. Außerdem ist die Übersetzung für Erschöpfungssyndrom wohl chronic fatigue syndrom was laut Definition nicht dasselbe ist wie burnout)


Constant frustration, not achieving one’s goals and an unrealistic expectation about one’s performance can cause burnout. The symptoms vary and can be different in each individual case with regard to their occurrence and extent. There may be depressions but also physiological problems like insomnia, headaches, stomach cramps or physical dysfunctions. A typical symptom may also be a feeling of guilt for not investing enough in one’s job, for example. A burned out person generally feels that their environment cannot be controlled anymore and therefore withdraws into their own world. External support (from friends or relatives) is not or only rarely accepted. The patient has to get professional help from doctors, often through psychotherapy.

Burnout is listed in the 10th revision of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD) as a “state of vital exhaustion” in code Z73.0.

The Solution: Somatic Resource Development

Somatic Resource Development functions as a burnout prophylaxis in a coaching and company training setting and can be adjusted individually. Somatic resource management, chronobiological time management and neurobiological change management are primarily used for this.

The therapeutic approaches of Somatic Integration can help people who already suffer from burnout to regain their regenerative capacity


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